JWT Authentication with Asymmetric Encryption using certificates in ASP.NET Core
In the previous article I wrote about JWT Authentication using a single security key, this being called Symmetric Encryption. The main disadvantage of using this encryption type is that anyone that has access to the key that the token was encrypted with, can also decrypt it. Instead, this article will cover the Asymmetric Encryption for JWT Token.
In the first part of this article, the Asymmetric Encryption concept will be explained, and in the second part, there will be the implementation of the JWT Token-based Authentication using the Asymmetric Encryption approach by creating an “Authentication” Provider in ASP.NET Core.
The JWT Token concepts were explained in the previous article, so if you want to find more before continuing reading this article, check out the introduction of the previous one: https://stefanescueduard.github.io/2020/04/11/jwt-authentication-with-symmetric-encryption-in-asp-dotnet-core/#Introduction.
Asymmetric Encryption is based on two keys, a public key, and a private key. The public key is used to validate, in this case, the JWT Token. And the private key is used to sign the Token. Maybe the previous statement is a little bit fuzzy, but I hope that will make sense in a moment.
For using the Asymmetric Encryption, two keys have to be generated, these two keys have to come from the same root. In this case for this article there will be a certificate –– the root –– from which the private and the public key will be generated. These keys will be also certificates, so the first thing that has to be done is to generate the private certificate –– key –– and the second one to generate the public certificate –– key –– from the private certificate.
Generating the keys
To generate certificates I chose to use the OpenSSL toolkit. If you are on Windows, OpenSSL can be downloaded as an executable and installed where ever you want. I recommend being installed on the C:\ root.
OpenSSL download link: https://slproweb.com/products/Win32OpenSSL.html
The tool has to be used from the Terminal, so there are two choices:
- Run the executable from where the tool was installed.
- Add an environment variable to have access to it from everywhere as a CLI.
To add the tool as an environment variable the following entry has to be inserted to the User variables:
Variable name: OPENSSL_CONF Variable value: <PATH_TO_OPEN_SSL>\bin\cnf\openssl.cnf
After configuring OpenSSL, the private and public key have to be generated using the following commands:
- For the private key:
openssl genpkey -algorithm RSA -out private_key.pem -pkeyopt rsa_keygen_bits:2048
specifying that we’ll generate a private key;-algorithm RSA
the algorithm used, in this case RSA;-out private_key.pem
the output argument and path;-pkeyopt rsa_keygen_bits:2048
set the public key algorithm and the key size;
- For the public key:
openssl rsa -pubout -in private_key.pem -out public_key.pem
specifying that the command will process RSA keys;-pubout -in private_key.pem
the private key and the path of it;-out public_key.pem
the output argument and path;
Before starting into code, the generated PEM keys have to be converted into XML files. That was the easiest way to read them using the System.Security.Cryptography
To convert them into XML you can use this site: https://superdry.apphb.com/tools/online-rsa-key-converter, then copy the converted text into two files with the XML extension in the project folder.
The Setup is the same as in the previous article, so check it out here: https://stefanescueduard.github.io/2020/04/11/jwt-authentication-with-symmetric-encryption-in-asp-dotnet-core/#Setup. TL;DR you have to install the following package: Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication.JwtBearer
As in the previous article, the Authentication service has to be added in the ConfigureServices
method from the Startup
class. For Authentication, an extension method called AddAsymmetricAuthentication
will setup the service with the basic settings.
It may be a little bit confusing to switch between this and the previous article, but the only thing that is changed here compared to the previous article is the IssuerSigningKey
property, which now receives the SigningKey
. The previous article contains a comprehensive explanation of each property that it’s used: https://stefanescueduard.github.io/2020/04/11/jwt-authentication-with-symmetric-encryption-in-asp-dotnet-core/#Startup.
The SigningIssuerCertificate
is used to get the IssuerCertificate
or the public key; I will return to this class in a moment. The code below contains only what is necessary to use the public key in the Authentication service.
After the Authentication
service was added, in the Configure
method the Authorization
and Authentication
middleware needs to be added to the pipeline.
In this class, the RSA class is used to create a RsaSecurityKey
with the public key generated before.
initializes the rsa
object with parameters from the XML files.
If we dig down in this method –– https://git.io/JvbVm –– we can see that the RSAParameters
are the same as they are in the XML file converted before.
The rsa
is created on the constructor, this object must be disposed because there might be some resources that will run after the process ends.
SigningAudience Certificate
is very similar to the SigningIssuerCertificate
, the only differences are that, is using the private key to initialize the rsa
object and is returning SigningCredentials
constructed with the RsaSecurityKey
and the SecurityAlgorithms
. For this, the RsaSha256
algorithm is used because is the most recommended one. If you want to find what algorithm to use for each type of encryption, check out this article: https://auth0.com/blog/json-web-token-signing-algorithms-overview/.
This service is used by the AuthenticationController
to authenticate the user. It is like a middleware because it’s using the UserService
to validate the received UserCredentials
and the TokenService
to generate the JWT Token if the credentials were valid.
The UserService
and UserCredentials
were created in the previous article so I will use them from there. The UserService
is a more likely a mock service, that has an internal list of users and checks if the given credentials are on that list. And the UserCredentials
contains two properties Username
and Password
initializes on the constructor the SigningAudienceCertificate
class created before. With this object, the SigningCredentials
for the TokenDescriptor
will be created.
The GetToken
method is used to generate the TokenDescriptor
by using the GetTokenDescriptor
method that will be explained in a moment; to create a SecurityToken
from that descriptor and to get the token as a string from that object.
method creates a token with the minimum required properties: Expires
and SigningCredentials
. Also, the Expires
property here is used because on the Authentication
method the LifetimeValidator
was set, but it doesn’t need to be specified.
All SecurityTokenDescriptor
properties can be found on the Microsoft website: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/microsoft.identitymodel.tokens.securitytokendescriptor.
The GetAudienceSigningKey
method created before is used to generate the Token SigningCredentials
, to validate that the Token was signed with the same private key from which the public key was generated.
In the AuthenticationController
an endpoint is created to authenticate the user with UserCredentials
and get the JWT Token by using the AuthenticationService
described earlier.
And the ValidationController
contains a plain endpoint that it’s using the Authorize
attribute to validate the Token. Note that the Authentication Scheme must be used on the Authorize attribute and for the Authentication service.
The result
Firstly the Authentication happy flow will be tested, so the combination of the username and password will match and the endpoint should provide the generated Token.

And secondly let’s test the unauthorized flow, where the provided credentials are wrong.

Before checking that the Token is valid using the ValidationController
, Auth0 crafted https://jwt.io/ that decode the Token and check whether or not the Token is valid.

On the Verify Signature section, both keys must be entered to validate the signature of the certificate.
Now the ValidationController
will be used to check whether the token is valid or not, but this will happen internally, on the Authorize attribute. Firstly, the happy flow.

And in the second test, the wrong token is validated.

The source code from this article can be found on my GitHub account: https://github.com/StefanescuEduard/JwtAuthentication.
Thanks for reading this article, if you find it interesting please share it with your colleagues and friends. Or if you find something that can be improved please let me know.